Implementation of Synoptic Operative Reporting Standards

We are working together to meet the new accreditation requirements for Commission on Cancer Standards.


Our goals are:

  1. To ensure capture of the required elements while minimizing impact on surgeons and those who use operative reports for patient care.
  2. To provide resources to ILCC member hospitals to assist them with implementation.

Our initial focus is on the breast surgery standards (5.3 & 5.4), which will allow us to learn lessons. We will then expand to melanoma (5.5), colectomy (5.6), and possibly other types of cancer procedures.

Webinars and Resources

Webinar #1 - Introduction to the ILCC Synoptic Operative Reporting Implementation

Webinar #2 - Stakeholder Analysis, Implementation Resources and Timeline

Webinar #3 - ILCC Toolkit Overview

To view the CoC page detailing the new standards, click here.

To access the synoptic operative reporting implementation resources click here

If your hospital is interested in working with us on the synoptic operative reporting implementation, click here.


CoC Synoptic Operative Reporting Timeline

ILCC Synoptic Operative Reporting Implementation Timeline

CoC Standards 5.3-5.6